

This is how NDC is giving more power to its grassroots ahead of 2024 polls

The National Democratic Congress has encouraged its members to participate to the 2024 campaign in an innovative way that attempts to return power to the grassroots.

By encouraging members to donate to the party's campaign by purchasing 'Good Governance' cards, the NDC is providing a golden opportunity for all members to have a say in how the campaign goes and, ultimately, how the party governs when it wins power in the 2024 general elections.

This is crucial considering the NDC's background as a party of and for the people. It also comes at a time when Ghana is under increasing pressure to simplify and diversify political party finance in order to enhance transparency and supporters' participation in the governing process.

Thus, supporters who purchase the Good Governance cards are strategically positioning themselves for a share in the future NDC administration, in addition to raising funds for the party's electoral campaign, entitled #RescueMission. They have enough facts in hand to demand decent and equitable administration under an NDC government led by John Dramani Mahama.

The old proverb "He who pays the piper calls the tune" reminds humanity that the person who supplies the money for an enterprise controls what and how it is done. This aphorism is especially relevant in politics, where the primary goal is to gain power in order to manage resources in the best interests of the people.

The winning political party among competing parties decides how the state and its resources are managed. Within the parties, however, those who provide the most visible and visible support will have the most influence. Indeed, such altruistic deeds place people in prime situations to be a part of governance, either as appointees or power brokers, to assure the success of what they have worked for.

Is it any surprise, then, that there is obvious proof of a few individuals hijacking and dominating the NPP after purportedly providing the greatest resources and support to the party's triumphs in 2016 and 2020? Indeed, some of its senior members and supporters have had occasion to openly criticize such attempts to change the NPP's heritage and beliefs.

While the NDC's winning and creative strategy is not inspired by or dependent on the NPP's grandiose flaws, it does demonstrate how important the umbrella party's followers have been and will continue to be to its success.

Supporters embracing the initiative through high patronage of the Good Governance cards will now help build a more formidable and resourced organization capable of rescuing our dear country from the shackles of this variation of family, friends, and concubines government in 2024 and relieving Ghanaians of the excruciating pain they are experiencing.

Fortunately, it is a business in which practically anybody may engage, as the cards have been wisely priced to account for supporters' socioeconomic variations.

Affluent supporters can purchase the prestige card for GH20,000, the premium card for GH10,000, the gold card for GH5,000, or the silver card for GH2,000. Other supporters may purchase the bronze card for GH1,000, the regular card for GH500, or the loyalty card for as little as GH250.

The tiered price of the cards reflects the fact that human fingers are not equal, but as a unit, they play an important role in directing the hand and making the body completely functioning.

As a party with historical connections to the grassroots - the majority of Ghana's politically involved citizenry - the GH250 loyalty card bears a higher price in terms of real demonstration of devotion and dedication to the Akatamanso family's mission.

In an economy where unemployment is at an all-time high and rising prices have rendered incomes meaningless, any farmer, fisherman, market woman, or artisan who purchases such a card demonstrates extraordinary support for the party in the face of unprecedented adversity and should be appropriately rewarded with good policies and programs when the time comes.

While receiving the card demonstrates one's unwavering support, how the money are used is critical to maintaining momentum and achieving the ultimate objective - #RescueMission.
It is heartening to note that the national executives, led by Johnson Asiedu Nketiah aka General Mosquito and Fiifi Fiavi Kwetey, have implemented a transparent and workable strategy to receive funds directly into the party's accounts and disburse them solely for campaign funding.

This not only encourages more members to give, but it also ensures that what comes in aids the goal of gaining power, allowing the contributors to profit from their sacrifices.

The clarion appeal is therefore to members to rise to the occasion by paying their widow's mite through card sales, ensuring that the party is well-funded to tour the country and promote its message and presidential candidate for victory in 2024.

The party officials are also in charge of selling the card to members. Despite being a fantastic endeavor, the concept will not sell itself until the party structures market it to members all around the world.

As a result, the party must utilize its internal structures and wings throughout the world to promote the project to members by explaining what it means to finance a campaign with proof in a card.
Various constituency, regional and worldwide branches, among others, should be entrusted with selling the card by educating their members on its significance.

Only via this will the NDC be able to entice everyone to take part in a unique fundraising strategy to assist dislodge the incompetent and self-centered NPP. The NDC can do it together, and your support will be crucial following victory in 2024.

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