


 Many people are struggling with weight gain. Gaining weight is not vigorous and can be achieved simply by reversing some essential dieting principles. Increasing at least 500 to 1000 calories will help you gain weight in a slow and steady space.

1. Eat enough protein: 

Protein-rich foods help build your muscle mass. To gain muscle weight rather than fat, you must consume sufficient protein. Aim for 0.7-1 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight if you're attempting to put on weight (1.5 - 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram). Meats, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, almonds, and other high-protein foods are just a few examples.

2. Eat calorie-dense food: 

Take calorie-dense foods that are healthy to meet your perfect calorie intake each day. Some calorie-dense foods are;

Take calorie-dense foods that are healthy to meet your perfect calorie intake each day. Some calorie-dense foods are;

· Olive oil, canola oil

· Guacamole, avocado, granola and trail mixes.

· Snacks, nuts, peanut butter

· Salmon, tuna, beef, pork, lamb and chicken.

· Milk or healthy smoothies, mango, full-fat yoghurt etc.

· Yam, sweet potatoes 

3. Eat mango and Milk together: 

Mango contains adequate amounts of carbohydrates, sugar and proteins, which help increase your body muscle mass. Take a glass of warm water after eating the mango and Milk together.   

4. Eating a snack before bed:  Squeeze in an additional meal or snack whenever you can, before bed. These will increase the intake of good nutrients that helps the body to improve weight gain faster.

Squeeze in an additional meal or snack whenever you can, before bed. These will increase the intake of good nutrients that helps the body to improve weight gain faster.

5. Milk: 

Milk can also help you gain weight by promoting muscle growth. Whey and casein proteins in cow's Milk, in particular, may contribute to lean muscle mass rather than fat mass. As a result, Milk may be an excellent alternative for those looking to gain muscle mass and weight.

6. Get a good sleep in the afternoon: 

Taking a nap for an hour helps you relax your mind and muscles. These also enable you to gain weight and sleep well at night. It is recommended as one of the fastest ways to gain weight without going to the gym.

Taking a nap for an hour helps you relax your mind and muscles. These also enable you to gain weight and sleep well at night. It is recommended as one of the fastest ways to gain weight without going to the gym.

7. Always add peanut butter to your breakfast:

Peanuts are enriched with fatty acids, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Adding peanuts to your diet helps you to gain weight. Peanut butter also has high calories, making it perfect for weight gain. 

Peanuts are enriched with fatty acids, proteins, minerals and vitamins. Adding peanuts to your diet helps you to gain weight. Peanut butter also has high calories, making it perfect for weight gain. 

8. Regular exercise: 

Consistent weight training helps you gain healthy weight. Your body stores more glycogen when you work out regularly, which binds with water to improve muscle growth.

9. Dry fruits: 

Dried fruit contains higher calories than fresh ones, making it more effective in weight gain. Dried fruits have less water content which makes them heaped with energy. Some dried fruits that can consume for weight gain purposes are; prunes, dates, apricots, almonds, cashew nuts, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, and raisins. 

10. Eat cereals made entirely of whole grains: 

Vitamins and minerals have been added to many cereal bowls. They have a high sugar content and minimal complex carbohydrates. It's best to avoid them. Choose whole grain and nut-based cereals instead. These are high in fibre, antioxidants, carbohydrates and calories in a healthy range. 

Vitamins and minerals have been added to many cereal bowls. They have a high sugar content and minimal complex carbohydrates. It's best to avoid them. Choose whole grain and nut-based cereals instead. These are high in fibre, antioxidants, carbohydrates and calories in a healthy range. 

11. Eat more frequently: 

Eating more regularly is one of the easiest methods to boost your calorie intake. Whether it's more than three meals a day or many snacks, every eating occasion can help you achieve your weight-gain goals.

12. Increase your water intake: 

Dehydration causes various fitness issues, including decreased endurance in the gym. As a result, drink close to a half-gallon of water every day, as water is essential for the energy you need to lose weight. It is also suggested that each person drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water every day. Drinking enough water may aid weight growth in one week.

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