

9 Common Household Items and When Should They Be Replaced

 We all have commonplace objects sitting about the house that we utilize on a daily basis. But how frequently do you think about how old that item is and whether it's time to replace it? 

Items that are often used deteriorate with time and can even become home to a variety of viruses in some situations (yuck!). Here's a guide on how frequently you should replace these 9 popular home products.

1.  Sheets

You sleep on them every night, but when do you replace them with a fresh set? Even if they are washed on a regular basis, bed sheets should be replaced every two years.

2. Toilet Brush

Your toilet brush has a difficult job! Once or twice a year, throw it out and replace it.

3. Shower Curtain Linier

Hard water stains, soap scum, and other contaminants will accumulate on your shower curtain liner over time. Every three to four months, replace it with a new one.

4. Towels

Bath towels should be washed every two to three usage as a general rule. It's time for a new set when they lose their absorption powers, begin to smell, or have been around two years.

5. Mattress:

You sleep on your mattress every night, and even the best mattresses do not have a 50-year lifespan! Mattresses should be replaced every seven to eight years, depending on their quality.

6. Kitchen Small Appliances:

Toasters, blenders, immersion blenders, coffee makers, and food processors, on average, should be updated every 10 to 12 years.

7. Mat for the bath:

To begin, it's a good idea to wash your bath mat at least once a week. When not in use, make sure it's hanging out to dry! Bath mats should be changed once or twice a year.

8. Sponge:

I'm guilty of keeping my kitchen sponges for way too long. It's important to dump them when they start to look rough or have an odor.

9. Couch:

Couches may be costly, so you should think of them as a long-term investment. Couches, on the other hand, will wear out with time, lose firmness, and the fabric will thin. The sofa should be changed every eight to fifteen years, depending on its quality and usage.

Print this useful chart to keep on your fridge or attach it to the inside of your cupboard to remind you when to replenish these things!

Consulting this list on a regular basis will assist to verify that your home products are in excellent operating order and that you replace them as needed. I obviously haven't replaced some of these goods as frequently as I should have, but now I know why.

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